# Contributing to the Pipedream Registry

This document is intended for a technical audience (including those interested in learning how to author and edit components). It defines guidelines and patterns developers should follow when building components for the Pipedream registry.

Developers may create, deploy and share components that do not conform to these guidelines, but they will not be eligible to be listed in the curated registry (e.g., they may be hosted in a Github repo). If you develop a component that does not adhere to these guidelines, but you believe there is value to the broader community, please reach out in our community forum.

# Overview

Pipedream is a low code integration platform that makes it easy to connect APIs remarkably fast. Users can select from thousands of customizable, open source components for hundreds of apps and orchestrate their execution in workflows. Developers can contribute to these open source components on Github by:

  • Creating new components (sources and actions)
  • Updating existing components (e.g., fixing bugs, enhancing functionality)
  • Adding or updating metadata (e.g., descriptions, labels)

Once a PR is merged to the master branch of the pipedreamhq/pipedream repo, the components are automatically registered and immediately become available to the 150k+ users of the Pipedream platform.

# Components

Components are Node.js modules that run on Pipedream's serverless infrastructure. They may use Pipedream managed auth for 300+ apps and use most npm packages with no npm install or package.json required. Pipedream currently supports two types of components — sources and actions.

# Sources

  • Emit events that can trigger Pipedream workflows (events may also be consumed outside of Pipedream via API)
  • Emitted event data can be inspected and referenced by steps in the target workflow
  • Can use any of Pipedream's built-in deduping strategies
  • Can be triggered on HTTP requests, timers, cron schedules, or manually
  • May store and retrieve state using the built-in key-value store

# Actions

# Pipedream Registry

The Pipedream registry consists of sources and actions that have been curated for the community. Registered components are verified by Pipedream through the Github PR process and:

  • Can be trusted by end users
  • Follow consistent patterns for usability
  • Are supported by Pipedream if issues arise

Registered components also appear in the Pipedream marketplace and are listed in Pipedream's UI when building workflows.

# Getting Started

If you're new to Pipedream, we recommend watching this 5 minute demo.

If you're ready to build a component for the Pipedream registry, we recommend starting with our Quickstart Guides for source and actions. Then review the Component API Reference.

# Prerequisites

  • A free Pipedream account
  • A free Github account
  • Basic proficiency with Node.js or Javascript
  • Pipedream CLI

Finally, the target app must be integrated with Pipedream. You can explore all apps supported by Pipedream in the marketplace. If your app is not listed, please create a Github issue to request it and reach out to our team to let us know that you're blocked on source or action development.

# Local Checks

When submitting pull requests, the new code will run through a series of automated checks like linting the code. If you want to run those checks locally for quicker feedback you must have NPM installed and run the following commands at the root of the project:

  1. To install all the project's dependencies (only needed once):

    npm ci
  2. To run the linter checks against your code (assuming that your changes are located at components/foo for example):

    npx eslint components/foo
  3. Optionally, you can automatically fix any linter issues by running the following command:

    npx eslint --fix components/foo

    Keep in mind that not all issues can be automatically fixed by the linter since they could alter the behaviour of the code.

# Process

To create and submit a new or updated component to the Pipedream registry:

  1. Fork or branch the pipedreamhq/pipedream repo
  2. Develop and test a new or updated component that conforms to the guidelines in the document
  3. Create a PR for the Pipedream team to review and post a message in our community forum
  4. Address feedback provided by Pipedream
  5. Once the review is complete and approved, Pipedream will merge the PR to the master branch

Looking for ideas? Check out sources and actions requested by the community!

# Reference Components

The following components may be used as models for developing sources and actions for Pipedream's registry.

# Reference Sources

Name App Type
New Card Trello Webhook
Search Mentions Twitter Polling
New or Modified Files Google Drive Webhook + Polling
New Submission Jotform Webhook (with no unique hook ID)
New Stars Github Webhook (with extensive use of common files)

# Reference Actions

(Coming soon)

# Guidelines & Patterns

# General

# Component Scope

Create components to address specific use cases whenever possible. For example, when a user subscribes to a Github webhook to listen for “star” activity, events can be generated when users star or unstar a repository. The “New Star” source filters events for only new star activity so the user doesn’t have to.

There may be cases where it's valuable to create a generic component that provides users with broad latitude (e.g., see the custom webhook event source for GitHub). However, as a general heuristic, we found that tightly scoped components are easier for users to understand and use.

# Required Metadata

Registry components require a unique key and version, and a friendly name and description. Action components require a type field to be set to action (sources will require a type to be set in the future).

module.exports = {
  key: "google_drive-new-shared-drive",
  name: "New Shared Drive",
  description: "Emits a new event any time a shared drive is created.",
  version: "0.0.1",

# Component Key Pattern

When publishing components to the Pipedream registry, the key must be unique across registry components and should follow the pattern:


# Folder Structure

Registry components are organized by app in the components directory of the pipedreamhq/pipedream repo.

  • The name of each app folder corresponds with the name slug for each app
  • The app file should be in the root of the app folder (e.g., /components/[app_slug]/[app_slug].app.js)
  • Components for each app are organized into /sources and /actions subfolders
  • Each component should be placed in its own subfolder (with the name of the folder and the name of the js file equivalent to the slugified component name). For example, the path for the "Search Mentions" source for Twitter is /components/twitter/sources/search-mentions/search-mentions.js.

You can explore examples in the components directory.

# Using APIs vs Client Libraries

Use If the app has a well-supported Node.js client library, that should be preferred to manually constructed API requests to reduce code and improve maintenance.

# Capturing Sensitive Data

If users are required to enter sensitive data, always use secret props.

# Promoting Reusability

# App Files

App files contain components that declare the app and include prop definitions and methods that may be reused across components. App files should adhere to the following naming convention: [app_name_slug].app.js. If an app file does not exist for your app, please reach out.

# Prop Definitions

Whenever possible, reuse existing prop definitions. If a prop definition does not exist and you are adding an app-specific prop that may be reused in future components, add it as a prop definition to the app file. Prop definitions will also be surfaced for apps the Pipedream marketplace.

# Methods

Whenever possible, reuse methods defined in the app file. If you need to use an API for which a method is not defined and it may be used in future components, define a new method in the app file.

Use the JS Docs pattern for lightweight documentation of each method in the app file. Provide a description and define @params and @returns block tags (with default values if applicable — e.g., [foo=bar]). This data will both help with reusability and will be surfaced in documentation for apps in the Pipedream marketplace. For example:

module.exports = {
  methods: {
     * Get the most recently liked Tweets for a user
     * @params {Object} opts - An object representing the configuration options
     * for this method
     * @params {String} opts.screenName - The user's Twitter screen name (e.g.,
     * `pipedream`)
     * @params {String} [opts.count=200] - The maximum number of Tweets to
     * return
     * @params {String} [opts.tweetMode=extended] - Use the default of
     * `extended` to return non-truncated Tweets
     * @returns {Array} Array of most recent Tweets liked by the specified user
    async getLikedTweets(opts = {}) {
      const {
        count = 200,
        tweetMode = "extended",
      } = opts;
      const { data } = await this._makeRequest({
        url: "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/favorites/list.json",
        params: {
          screen_name: screenName,
          tweet_mode: tweetMode,
      return data;
# Testing

Pipedream does not currently support unit tests to validate that changes to app files are backwards compatible with existing components. Therefore, if you make changes to an app file that may impact other sources, you must currently test potentially impacted components to confirm their functionality is not negatively affected. We expect to support a testing framework in the future.

# Common Files (optional)

An optional pattern to improve reusability is to use a common module to abstract elements that are used across to multiple components. The trade-off with this approach is that it increases complexity for end-users who have the option of customizing the code for components within Pipedream. When using this approach, the general pattern is:

  • The .app.js module contains the logic related to making the actual API calls (e.g. calling axios.get, encapsulate the API URL and token, etc).
  • The common.js module contains logic and structure that is not specific to any single component. Its structure is equivalent to a component, except that it doesn't define attributes such as version, dedupe, key, name, etc (those are specific to each component). It defines the main logic/flow and relies on calling its methods (which might not be implemented by this component) to get any necessary data that it needs. In OOP terms, it would be the equivalent of a base abstract class.
  • The component module of each action would inherit/extend the common.js component by setting additional attributes (e.g. name, description, key, etc) and potentially redefining any inherited methods.

See Google Drive for an example of this pattern. When using this approach, prop definitions should still be maintained in the app file.

# Props

# Labels

Use prop labels to customize the name of a prop or propDefinition (independent of the variable name in the code). The label should mirror the name users of an app are familiar with; i.e., it should mirror the equivalent label in the app’s UI. This applies to usage in labels, descriptions, etc. E.g., the Twitter API property for search keywords is “q”, but but label is set to “Search Term”.

# Descriptions

Include a description for a prop if it helps the user understand what they need to do. Additionally, use markdown as appropriate to improve the clarity of the description or instructions. When using markdown:

  • Enclose sample input values in backticks (`)
  • Link descriptive text rather than displaying a full URL using markdown syntax.


  • The async option to select an Airtable Base is self-explanatory so includes no description:


  • The “Search Term” prop for Twitter includes a description that helps the user understand what values they can enter, with specific values highlighted using backticks and links to external content.


# Optional vs Required Props

Use optional props whenever possible to minimize the input fields required to use a component.

For example, the Twitter search mentions source only requires that a user connect their account and enter a search term. The remaining fields are optional for users who want to filter the results, but they do not require any action to activate the source:


# Default Values

Provide default values whenever possible. NOTE: the best default for a source doesn’t always map to the default recommended by the app. For example, Twitter defaults search results to an algorithm that balances recency and popularity. However, the best default for the use case on Pipedream is recency.

# Async Options

Avoid asking users to enter ID values. Use async options (with label/value definitions) so users can make selections from a drop down menu. For example, Todoist identifies projects by numeric IDs (e.g., 12345). The async option to select a project displays the name of the project as the label, so that’s the value the user sees when interacting with the source (e.g., “My Project”). The code referencing the selection receives the numeric ID (12345).

Async options should also support pagination (so users can navigate across multiple pages of options for long lists).

# Interface & Service Props

In the interest of consistency, use the following naming patterns when defining interface and service props in source components:

Prop Recommended Prop Variable Name
$.interface.http http
$.interface.timer timer
$.service.db db

# Sources

# Webhook vs Polling Sources

Create subscription webhooks sources (vs polling sources) whenever possible. Webhook sources receive/emit events in real-time and typically use less compute time from the user’s account. Note: In some cases, it may be appropriate to support webhook and polling sources for the same event. For example, Calendly supports subscription webhooks for their premium users, but non-premium users are limited to the REST API. A webhook source can be created to emit new Calendly events for premium users, and a polling source can be created to support similar functionality for non-premium users.

# Source Name

Source name should be a singular, title-cased name and should start with "New" (unless emits are not limited to new items). Name should not be slugified and should not include the app name. NOTE: Pipedream does not currently distinguish real-time event sources for end-users automatically. The current pattern to identify a real-time event source is to include “(Instant)” in the source name. E.g., “New Search Mention” or “New Submission (Instant)”.

# Source Description

Enter a short description that provides more detail than the name alone. Typically starts with "Emit new". E.g., “Emit new Tweets that matches your search criteria”.

# Emit a Summary

Always emit a summary for each event. For example, the summary for each new Tweet emitted by the Search Mentions source is the content of the Tweet itself.

If no sensible summary can be identified, submit the event payload in string format as the summary.

# Deduping

Use built-in deduping strategies whenever possible (unique, greatest, last) vs developing custom deduping code. Develop custom deduping code if the existing strategies do not support the requirements for a source.

# Polling Sources

# Default Timer Interval

As a general heuristic, set the default timer interval to 15 minutes. However, you may set a custom interval (greater or less than 15 minutes) if appropriate for the specific source. Users may also override the default value at any time.

# Emit Events on First Run

Polling sources should emit events on the first run. This helps users to know their source works when they activate it. This also provides users with events they can immediately use to support workflow development. Do not emit multiple pages of results or more than 100 events on the first run (as a general heuristic, emit the first page of results returned by the API).

# Pagination

Support pagination when appropriate to ensure that all new events are emitted for a source.

# Rate Limit Optimization

When building a polling source, cache the most recently processed ID or timestamp using $.service.db whenever the API accepts a since_id or "since timestamp" (or equivalent). Some apps (e.g., Github) do not count requests that do not return new results against a user’s API quota.

If the service has a well-supported Node.js client library, it'll often build in retries for issues like rate limits, so using the client lib (when available) should be preferred. In the absence of that, Bottleneck can be useful for managing rate limits. 429s should be handled with exponential backoff (instead of just letting the error bubble up).

# Webhook Sources

# Hooks

Hooks are methods that are automatically invoked by Pipedream at different stages of the component lifecycle. Webhook subscriptions are typically created when components are instantiated or activated via the activate() hook, and deleted when components are deactivated or deleted via the deactivate() hook.

# Helper Methods

Whenever possible, create methods in the app file to manage creating and deleting webhook subscriptions.

Description Method Name
Method to create a webhook subscription createHook()
Method to delete a webhook subscription deleteHook()
# Storing the 3rd Party Webhook ID

After subscribing to a webhook, save the ID for the hook returned by the 3rd party service to the $.service.db for a source using the key hookId. This ID will be referenced when managing or deleting the webhook. Note: some apps may not return a unique ID for the registered webhook (e.g., Jotform).

# Signature Validation

Subscription webhook components should always validate the incoming event signature if the source app supports it.

# Shared Secrets

If the source app supports shared secrets, implement support transparent to the end user. Generate and use a GUID for the shared secret value, save it to a $.service.db key, and use the saved value to validate incoming events.

# Actions

(Coming soon)